醫生守則》新修訂 病人感謝信可share嗎

It’s likely that all doctors have received thank-you letters from patients or their families at some point. During these touching and inspiring moments, they may feel compelled to share their joy on social media.

However, it’s important to note that according to the Professional Code of Conduct for the Guidance of Registered Medical Practitioners in Hong Kong, the Medical Council of Hong Kong (MCHK) stipulates that the contents of such letters should not be published on social media or made available to the public in any form or through any channel if they can be associated with a specific medical practitioner. Doctors are also expected to take all practicable steps to prevent the publication of similar information.

Therefore, we recommend that doctors keep these thank-you notes for their personal records, but abstain from sharing them on social media platforms.

Please be aware that the above information, translated for your convenience, is intended for reference only. For more detailed information, please refer to the website of the Medical Council of Hong Kong (https://www.mchk.org.hk/tc_chi/code/index.html).

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

#Professional Code of Conduct for the Guidance of Registered Medical Practitioners in Hong Kong #Professional Code of Conduct for Medical Practitioners #Medical Council of Hong Kong #Doctors Health Information #Doctors Social Media #New Revision of the Code of Conduct for Medical Practitioners #Doctors Code of Conduct #Social Media #Facebook #Instagram #Youtube #TikTok #WeChat #Telegram #WhatsApp #SignalLinkedIn