
I’d like to respond by sharing a link to the blog post I published last year. That blog served as a reminder of the ‘highlights’ from the newly revised provisions of the Medical Council of Hong Kong’s ‘Professional Code for the Guidance of Registered Medical Practitioners.’ At the time, I also shared it with my doctor friends, hoping it would serve as a friendly reminder.

Medical promotion isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. Naturally, every client desires results, data, and ROI. However, we prioritize the professionalism of medical care and ensure the protection of the doctors’ personal image and adherence to the Code of Conduct.

We often proactively remind our counterparts to avoid certain risky words, activities, and promotions, especially in advertising. This is crucial because even the slightest oversight can lead to severe and exhausting consequences in the future.

Promoting your business is easy, but doing it safely and without any risk is the real challenge!

We know it’s easy to generate traffic quickly, but we’ve discovered methods to achieve this without resorting to ads. We’ve developed a unique medical PR strategy.

We are committed to our approach, but we don’t take shortcuts. We provide only genuine data and plans, and we do so honestly, without exaggeration.

We enjoy working with our clients year after year and sharing the successful outcomes with them.

Finally, should I revive the blog?

Blog Link: Newly Revised Code of Professional Conduct – Is it permissible for doctors to share testimonials from their patients?

#medical PR #medicalmarketing #medical marketing #medical promotion #medical council #professional code of conduct for registered medical practitioners in Hong Kong #clinic advertising

Written by: Medical PR Moon